Part 2: My Birth Journey – Healing After an Unplanned C-Section
After Koda’s birth, my recovery began in a way that surprised even me. Despite having an unplanned C-section, I healed quickly and felt stronger than I anticipated. Just a few hours after surgery, I was up and walking, much to the amazement of the hospital staff. I felt ready to embrace motherhood and take on the challenges ahead.
Physically, I handled recovery well. I moved with purpose, cared for my baby, and took the small victories—like walking or lifting Koda—as signs of my resilience. But while my body healed quickly, my heart and mind faced a different kind of recovery.
The Unexpected Absence of My Mom
When Marc and I brought Koda home, the weight of my new reality began to settle in. I had pictured the early days of motherhood with my mom by my side, guiding me, supporting me, and helping me navigate those first overwhelming weeks. But life had other plans.
My mom and dad had a long-planned trip to Italy to visit family just one week after Koda’s birth. While I understood the importance of their journey, the timing felt like a loss I hadn’t prepared for. I longed for my mom’s presence, her wisdom, and her reassurance. In those quiet, sleepless nights with Koda, I often felt a deep void where her guidance should have been.
The Truth About “It Takes a Village”
During those first weeks, I realized just how true the saying “it takes a village” is. While Marc was my rock, and I leaned on him in ways I can’t fully put into words, I still felt the absence of a broader support system. Without my mom, I felt like I was navigating motherhood with a missing piece.
The mental challenges of postpartum hit me hard. I questioned whether I was doing enough, whether I was doing it “right,” and whether Koda felt the love and care I so desperately wanted to give him. I missed the comfort of someone telling me, “You’re doing great. You’ve got this.”
Finding My Strength
Even in the midst of the mental struggles, I found my strength. I had Marc, who supported me in every way he could, and I had Koda, who became my motivation to keep going even when I felt unsure of myself. Slowly, I began to find my rhythm as a mother.
I learned to trust my instincts, to give myself grace, and to recognize that I didn’t have to be perfect—I just had to show up for my son, one day at a time. I realized that while the village I longed for wasn’t fully present in those early weeks, I could still create my own community of support as Koda grew.
Reflecting on My Postpartum Journey
Looking back now, I realize how much I grew during those early weeks. They taught me the importance of asking for help, being vulnerable, and leaning on the people who were there for me. They also strengthened my desire to support other mothers in their postpartum journeys—because I know how isolating it can feel when you don’t have the village you need.
My postpartum experience wasn’t easy, but it shaped me into the mother I am today. And as I prepare for the possibility of expanding my family, I carry those lessons with me, knowing I’ll approach the next chapter with even more strength and wisdom.
Have you struggled with postpartum recovery or mental health challenges? I’d love to hear your story and connect. Let’s create a space where we can share and support one another through the beauty and complexity of motherhood.